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Jonny Groome


Anaesthetic Consultant - The Royal London Hospital

I have a passion for combating climate change and am a strong believer that we need to mobilise, organise, lobby and innovate in order to combat it. I am  frustrated about the fact that our profession plays a significant role in contributing to global warming and waste. I feel that as advocates for good health we should lead by example in protecting the planet from the catastrophic health issue that is climate change.

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Nat Duke

Lead for the South Coast

Anaesthesic Registrar - Sussex

The science is unequivocal – we have a very short amount of time to act to prevent catastrophic climate breakdown, so we all need to stand up and make a difference where we can. The NHS has ambitious targets in place for CO2 reduction, but currently no working plan to achieve them. We need to change that.




Sudeshna Patra

Consultant Eye Surgeon and Clinical Network Director for Ophthalmology, Barts Health NHS Trust

I am passionate about protecting the environment and at home I regularly recycle my rubbish, compost my kitchen waste and reuse plastics. I love gardening and believe that plants, with their infinite ability to purify the air, will save the earth. WALL-E is one of my favourite movies! Having successfully participated in the Green Ward competition I have experienced the epiphany that that sustainable healthcare is the future.

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Luke Mills

ACCS Core Trainee: Salford Royal Hospital

I'm joining GASP to create positive change to the way we treat our environment. It's easy to feel that because our job is to help people, we are doing our bit. However there are so many opportunities to reduce our contribution to climate change at work that we need to take responsibility to explore them. 


Rishi Patel

Anaesthetic Trainee - North East London

Healthcare systems in the UK are not placing enough emphasis on sustainability and global warming. As doctors, I believe we have a duty not only to provide healthcare in the acute settings but also to protect the health of our future generations. In the coming years I hope to see projects like ones run by GASP become common place in healthcare.

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Jonny Sadler

Teaching Fellow at Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Sustainability in healthcare is the elephant in the room that we need to be talking about. Although curriculums are full and people are set in their ways, finding time to address these issues are essential to the modernising of medical practice. I am interested in finding the easy ways to make the biggest difference.


Arez Mohamed

Anaesthetic Core Trainee - North East London

Climate change has become one of the biggest contemporary issues, with healthcare being a major contributor. I believe care can be extended from patients to the environment in a synergistic way. Through GASP I hope to help make changes which go on to leave a bigger positive ecological footprint.

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George Francke

Anaesthetic Trainee - North East London

As anaesthetists we have an additional responsibility to minimise our impact on the planet. By getting involved with GASP I want to help bring about lasting change in our NHS. I'm also hoping to take advantage of how much we move around as trainees and spread the word in every hospital I work in.

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Amy Holman

Paediatric Trainee- North East and Central London

I am passionate about global child health as climate change disproportionately negatively impacts children’s  health all over the world, from natural disasters to air pollution here in the UK. We are all acutely aware of climate change and most of us are making changes in our personal lives, but in the same way; at work every small change matters and we need to start now. It is our responsibility to children and young people to speak up and act, both for their health and to pave the way as the future of the planet will be in their hands!


Annie Pinder

Anaesthetic Trainee – North West School of Anaesthesia

I believe reducing our carbon footprint is everyone’s responsibility both at home and at work. As an anaesthetist I think there are so many opportunities to improve our sustainability as well as to influence and educate others to improve theirs.

I am excited by the opportunity GASP presents to collaborate with others, to share ideas and knowledge, to improve sustainability in healthcare.


Gillian Lever

ACCS Core Trainee, Yorkshire and The Humber 

As a society and planet, we have reached a critical point where if we do not make changes now, we will cause irreversible environmental damage. We all have a responsibility to look after the Earth. Healthcare is a huge contributor towards the climate crisis due to the amount and type of waste it produces. I am excited to be involved with GASP to try and help reduce waste, increase recycling and make the NHS a greener organisation.

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Amy Greengrass

Anaesthetic Consultant - Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

I am growing increasingly concerned with the direction in which our planet is heading. I’ve made lots of changes to my home life but I believe the biggest contribution I can make is helping my trust on the journey to become Net Zero. As a paediatric anaesthetist and a mother of three young children I spend lots of my time with kids and I want them to grow up inheriting a planet which their parents have made every effort to heal. 


Harshil Patel

Anaesthetic Trainee – West Yorkshire Deanery

Climate change is a huge problem with far-reaching impacts and there simply isn't a Planet B. We all have an impact on the environment, in both our personal and professional lives and I believe sustainability is everyone's responsibility. Healthcare is a huge contributor to environmental waste, particularly within anaesthesia. I want to contribute to making changes to our work and practice that reduces unnecessary waste and harm.  I look forward to working with the GASP Anaesthesia team and learning from all the great work people are doing to make the provision of healthcare greener and more sustainable.


Miran Kadr

Perioperative Medicine Fellow - The Royal Marsden

Climate change is not something that will be a problem in the future, it is one of the biggest issues we face today. As healthcare professionals, it is our responsibility to ensure that we are mindful about the effects of our everyday practice on the environment. I believe through raising awareness and education, we can make a huge difference. 

The NHS has set a target to become net-carbon zero by 2040. This will be a massive undertaking, and will require all of us to do our bit. I believe that through GASP, we can work together to make real and positive change.

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Thomas Colville

Anaesthetic ST4, Whiston Hospital

I have been passionate about sustainability since learning about the devastating impact our profession can have. I am excited about the possibility to bring about long lasting change in our anaesthetic departments and as such have created a regional trainee network of like-minded trainees in Merseyside.

I look forward to helping trusts towards the ambitious target of Net Zero by 2040 and see GASP as an invaluable resource in this challenge.

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Louisa Swain

Locum Consultant - Addenbrookes

I have lived and worked in healthcare in several different countries and feel a huge responsibility to those people I have worked with, and to their communities, to reduce our carbon footprint and to save our planet for future generations. I was introduced to GASP while working in the UK and I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to work with a group of passionate individuals who believe in environmental sustainability and countering the climate emergency. I fundamentally believe that we can make a difference, and that even the smallest change helps.


Simi Dass

Foundation Year 1 Doctor at Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth

As doctors, we are subject to a vast array of privileges and put in positions of power where what we say and do has a significant impact. I believe that as a result, it's our responsibility to speak out and use our platform to improve the world we live in for the benefit of future generations, and the planet as a whole. Climate change has the power to exacerbate every known health inequality and reverse the majority of global health improvements that have been made over the last few centuries. In this way, climate justice equates to health justice, and as doctors it is imperative we work in every way possible to fight for a more sustainable world!

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Benj Marriage

Locum Anaesthetic Consultant - Addenbrookes

I, like most of us, find the consequences of the climatic trajectory that we currently find ourselves on to be truly terrifying. Whilst a large degree of change needs to occur globally and at policy/government level, it is reassuring and a privilege to be able to make professional changes to start making a meaningful difference for climate change. It’s fantastic to be able to support an organisation such as GASP, as we all strive towards delivering high-quality, sustainable healthcare.  

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Chris Palfreeman

Anaesthetic Trainee - North East London

Outside of work I try to minimise my carbon footprint and reduce waste as much as possible, but once at work this can be a real challenge. The current culture in our healthcare system is incredible wasteful and does not  place enough emphasis on the climate emergency we are all facing. I believe this can and should change urgently. I’m hoping through implementing some of GASP’s brilliant projects and ideas we can make significant improvements on the environmental impact of the NHS. 


Richard Berwick

Pain Medicine Trainee - Mersey Deanery

The climate crisis is becoming ever more real. If COP26 has shown us anything, it’s that climate action will not be done without us, the public. Coming together in action groups, like GASP, is a crucial step towards making a meaningful impact. By sharing ideas and resources in the NHS, we can rethink and redesign a system that desperately needs to be more sustainable. And, as such, we can help both our patients and our planet.

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Charlie Crossland

Anaesthetic Registrar - Sussex

I am excited to be joining a collaboration that promotes sustainable
anaesthetic practice. Our physical and mental health are fundamentally
intertwined with the health of the natural world. I have great hope that with this
kind of collective action that we can begin to effect the necessary changes to
avert climate catastrophe. I am an anaesthetic registrar in Sussex with
interests in education and sustainability and have recently completed training
in climate change advocacy with the Climate Reality Project.


Omar Jundi

Consultant Intensivist and Anaesthetist - Bradford Royal Infirmary

We are running out of time to stop, or even mitigate, a climate disaster that will lead to a humanitarian catastrophe on a scale never seen before. While it is hard to have hope when faced with this reality, despair will only lead to inaction, and inevitable failure. So I am keen to find like-minded colleagues whom I can work with to try and make our hospitals a little more sustainable. Perhaps together we can build something new and better.

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Jesse Aberbach

Environmental Coordinator at Brampton College

I studied Geography at the London School of Economics and worked between term times as an Assistant Ranger on Hampstead Heath. I came across GASP when organising speakers to talk to students about the environmental issues we face and how these are relevant to the different fields they hope to go into. Collaboration, education, and practical action - whether that's through government policy, individual or organisational changes - are essential for tackling climate change. I'm really grateful to be part of the GASP team!

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Annie Liddell

GASP Intern & Student in Human Sciences - Oxford University

Balancing human and environmental health has been regarded as opposing needs, however we are increasingly realising the survival and well-being of each is not independent, and nor can it be mutually exclusive. I am  focusing my studies on the interaction on biological conservation and human health policy, and so hoping to learn more from GASP on how we can (and need to) change our infrastructure and healthcare approach to realise this.


Samira Green

Anaesthetic Registrar - Sussex

Over the past few years I have become increasingly aware of our role as individuals and as a profession in trying to combat the increasing climate emergency we are facing as a planet. 

I strongly believe as NHS workers there is tons we can do to improve our carbon footprint in a sustainable way with minimal impact on patient care. I am hoping to learn through the successes of other GASP members, 

as well as to help instigate impactful and sustainable changes within hospital settings along the South Coast. 


Rabia Ghani

Anaesthetic Trainee, East Midlands 

As a new trainee in anaesthetics, I have become more aware and self conscious of our contribution to the climate emergency. I feel strongly about being part of the change moving forwards to combat the climate crisis, and this starts with making small changes in our everyday lives and clinical practice as healthcare professionals. I have been inspired by the work done by GASP, and look forward to learning more from like-minded individuals from my own, and different specialities. 


Daniel James Kirkin

Anaesthetics Regional Fellow – South East London

The Climate Crisis is the single biggest existential threat to humanity, and it has been shown to have a significant impact on health. I feel it’s my duty as a healthcare provider to not only reduce my personal carbon footprint in the workplace but educate others and drive change towards a more sustainable system. It can feel overwhelming when faced with such adversity however if the covid pandemic has taught us anything it’s that as a clinical and academic society collaboration and open knowledge sharing creates effective solutions in record time. Having recently become a father I worry for the world my daughter will inherit; I want her to know that as a society we did our best the avert the climate endgame. Having already been involved with several sustainability projects at my trust I want to share and receive knowledge so we can reduce the NHS carbon footprint NOW. GASP is the perfect platform to enable this, and I look forwards to working with other committee members.

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Lizzie Ramsay

FY2 at The Royal Cornwall Hospital

Since a young age, I've been passionate about the amazing world we live in. We are starting to see the effect of climate change not only on our environment but also within our patient population. The climate emergency is a health emergency. I am passionate about lobbying government, organisations, policy makers and just about anyone who will listen to make the changes we all need. Through GASP I hope to make positive, sustainable changes that not only affect anaesthetics but healthcare in general as well as our wider world.


Amy Gribble

Social Media Lead

Anaesthetic Trainee - Ipswich

Before studying medicine I worked as a geo-environmental consultant.  The irony of entering into healthcare and contributing to the carbon footprint, water use and greenhouse gas emissions has not been lost on me. Therefore, I would like to sustainably address the environmental impact posed by my contribution to healthcare, and I would also like to encourage colleagues to participate so that we can make a real difference together.


Manish Ravel

Consultant Anaesthetist - Moorfields Eye Hospital

I want to contribute to making changes to our work practices that reduce unnecessary waste & harm to our environment.  I want these to be achievable but meaningful such that we can motivate everyone to come together and participate.




Jacob Krzanowski

Psychiatry Registrar (London) and Associate for the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare

Jacob is a London based registrar in Psychiatry working on introducing sustainable practice into mental health care through his role as a Royal College of Psychiatry Sustainability Committee Member and associate for the Centre for Sustainable Health Care. Jacob has a wide-ranging teaching background and continue to work at the Institute of Psychiatry and Psychology and Neuroscience as a guest teacher.

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Jonathon Wong

Anaesthetic Trainee - Central School of Anaesthesia

Having practised Anaesthesia both in the UK and in New Zealand I have seen how much we contribute to the global carbon footprint. It was out in New Zealand where I saw how far ahead they were with their policies and actions to reduce, reuse and recycle within the healthcare industry to achieve sustainable healthcare. I am trying to bring back just a little bit of their enthusiasm for sustainable anaesthesia as change needs to come from each of us for it to work.

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Jess Davies - TRA2SH Co-Founder

Anaesthetic Registrar -Darwin, Australia

I believe we must act now, together, to change behaviours that contribute to climate change and waste production as well as the systems that those behaviours are normalised within. Healthcare is an essential service but now we have both the ability and the responsibility to curb climate change and waste production from healthcare. Sophia Grobler and I started a sustainability research network for Australian and New Zealand trainees called TRA2SH and we are excited to work together towards a healthy future.


Hannah Lewis

Anaesthetic Registrar - Barts and the London School of Anaesthesia

We all know it, there is no ‘Planet B’. It’s super cliche but it is a reality; climate change is the biggest public health risk of today’s society. I like to think we are all generally good people, and yet unfortunately we are all also culpable, on some level or another. When we go into Medicine we do so to care for people, we therefore have a responsibility to make sure we also care for our future generations, starting with the platform on which we all live - earth! We simply cannot afford to ignore it; let’s all make changes large and small from right now and actually make a difference.

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Jack Massingham

Medical Student - University of East Anglia

I have been inspired to get involved with GASP at this early stage of my medical career as addressing the Climate Crisis cannot be delayed. I am enthusiastic about finding innovative solutions, spreading awareness, and most importantly nurturing an inclusive and collaborative approach. I firmly believe everyone within the hospital should have the freedom to make a sustainable choice, and so one of my ambitions is for hospitals to better provision for plant-based diets. 

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Hannah Smith

Anaesthetic Registrar - North East London

We all have an impact both personally and professionally, as a collective and as individuals. It's easy to lose sight of this especially within a busy work place. We can improve this. Changes need to be made at work which are achievable and sustainable, to help us look after this lovely planet and all its inhabitants. GASP with is outlook and projects aims to do to this.


Eleanor Damm

Trainee in ICM & Anaesthesia - West Midlands

The climate crisis is a health crisis; it is also a question of survival. The NHS not only accounts for 4-5% of England’s carbon footprint, it is also the country's largest employer. 

As a medical professional we have a huge privilege – we have the public's trust, and as such can make and influence changes not only within, but also beyond our profession.

GASP is a platform to make these necessary changes within the healthcare system quicker and more efficient. 

I believe that environmental sustainability is this generation greatest challenge – let’s keep going."


Pavan Raju

Consultant Anaesthetist, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, NHS Tayside

In Anaesthesia, we teach, promote and practice plan A, B, C and more. However, there is no PLANet B and that means one thing - ACT NOW as Climate change is a health emergency. I am passionate about sustainability and health care which inspired and motivated me to tackle waste management and anaesthetic contribution to greenhouse gases locally. I believe raising awareness and education are key in making a positive change and obtaining data through research and quality improvement feeds into that. Looking forward to collaborate and work together towards reducing health care carbon foot print.


Saqib Naji

Anaesthetic Registrar - The Royal Free Hospital

It’s staggering how many single use items we use in medicine, particularly in theatres. As anaesthetists we should take the lead when trying to reduce the amount of waste we produce in hospitals. I believe that small tweaks to daily practice can yield large scale reductions in the amount of waste we produce, plastic we use and contribution to global warming. These procedural changes require a strong evidence base and a robust education programme to enable these changes to happen, and I would like to be at the forefront of what I think is the next ‘big thing’ in anaesthesia - developing environmentally sustainable anaesthetic practices. 


Isabelle Kamenou

Anaesthetic Trainee – North West London

I am passionate about sustainability in healthcare and working towards a low carbon NHS. Our climate is changing rapidly and irreversibly and it’s our responsibility as individuals and professionals to tackle this, by making responsible decisions and promoting awareness. Change in the healthcare industry is challenging, but through GASP I hope to inspire improvements that lead to sustainability.


Scott Mabbutt

Obstetrics & Gynaecology Trainee - Leicester

The impact of the Climate Emergency on healthcare cannot be understated. We have a trusted, privileged position in society as doctors to be people who advocate for policies that fight climate change. I feel that all healthcare improvement activities need to be undertaken through the lens of sustainability as the task facing humanity is this big.

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Claire Cruikshanks

Consultant Anaesthetist - Sheffield

I'm a consultant anaesthetist in Sheffield, the greenest city in terms of access to green spaces, but definitely not in terms of low carbon living. I'm joining GASP as I have a background in improvement and believe sustainability needs to be incorporated into all aspects of our attempts to improve care. I'm currently working with our audit lead to shift our directorate towards sustainable improvements and hope to work with our trainees on sustainability projects going forward.


I'm committed to the GASP principles, not only actively advocating for sustainable change at board level but I'm also politically active locally in campaigning for active travel and more sustainable living in Sheffield.


Shaminder Kaur Olney

Anaesthetic trainee in West Yorkshire

In my home life I'm very conscious of the impact my actions have on the environment and will actively make changes to minimise it. Then I go to work and see so much waste and inefficiency! It goes against my instinct and yet it's just the norm in hospitals. I want to change that norm so that not only I am producing less waste, but everyone else is able to easily too. 


Kathy Balfour 

Medical Student - Manchester University

I have always had an interest in our environment and our beautiful planet. This year during the COVID-19 pandemic through the essential use of PPE I began to question the sustainability of our healthcare systems. This led me to start Manchester Eco Medics Society to work together with other passionate medical students. I am really excited to be a part of the team at GASP to educate myself and colleagues to how we can strive for more sustainable healthcare systems, looking after both our patients and our planet! 

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Thomas Atkinson

Anaesthetic Trainee - North West London

Anaesthetic gases alone contribute to over 2% of the total NHS carbon footprint. When making peri-operative plans as anaesthetists we consider patient, anaesthetic and surgical factors but often fail to consider, or have few tools to address, the environmental factors. With increasing awareness we have the opportunity to build greener plans that we use in our everyday practice. I am thrilled to join GASP, a collaborative mutlidisciplinary community in which we share knowledge, expertise and enact change toward greener anaesthesia. 

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Aidan Fullbrook

Anaesthetic Registrar – South West London

Establishing an evaluation of nitrous oxide
infrastructure and wastage at a large teaching hospital made me realise the scale of the challenge
we face to achieve a greener NHS. However, I have also been inspired by the impact that we can
make by collaborating with like-minded individuals within our organisations. As a member of GASP, I
am looking forward to sharing knowledge with a wider group of interested professionals and
together working to reduce the carbon footprint of our specialty and the wider NHS.

Please feel free to contact me for any advice and methodologies for similar projects you may be


Nadhya Qureshi 

Anaesthetic Trainee - North East London

There is no doubt there is potential for big change in reducing waste and emissions within the massive organisation of the NHS. We can all do our bit to get together, get talking and work towards a greener and more sustainable NHS.


Suyin Chia

Specialist Dietitian – South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

I am a keen advocate on sustainability, and I feel that we are not moving at a pace that is quick enough to make change for a net zero NHS. Besides our carbon footprint, I see a lot of waste in the healthcare sector. I would like to get involved with GASP to learn more about changes that can be made by learning from others and to engage the trust to be passionate about healthcare and sustainability and take action.


Evie Rothwelll

Junior Doctor - East London

I first started to become interested in the environmental impact of our work as healthcare professionals as a medical student, when unfortunately a pledge to give up single use plastic in my personal life coincided with learning to cannulate in my professional life. Many cannulas (and plastic wrappers) later and our role in the climate emergency only becomes clearer. In cases of severe asthma and respiratory diseases we see the interaction between the health of our planet and the health of our patients. In a more immediate way, working in a flooded East London during severe rainfall in the capital really illustrated the effect of the climate crisis on the healthcare system. I hope that by working with GASP to reduce the environmental impact of the NHS we can nurture a safe and healthy world- one that we feel comfortable discharging our patients into. 

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Chris Marshall

Consultant Anaesthetist - Worthing

As with all of us I think I'm a bit late to the party here. The GASP lectures are indeed a terrifying endorsement of my masterful inactivity following the urgent lessons on the 'Greenhouse effect' at school in the eighties. My Dad put solar panels on our roof in 1982, we grew our own veg and joined Greenpeace. Then I left home and joined in with the rest of our materialistic wasteful world for thirty years. My family are making a better individual effort these days, the solar panels are back and we cycle everywhere to buy our veg, but very keen to rally together and make some big institutional/societal noise and progress whilst my beachside home reaches its peak, short-lived, value. 

Currently looking at Gas capture and nitrous cracking as a positive starter in Sussex, then moving to supply chains and reusable kit.

As they say, 'I used to be a big noise in the city, now I'm just a bad smell in the country'.

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Mohamed Abdelsalam

Senior Anaesthetics Clinical Fellow - The Princess Alexandra Hospital

The Climate change crisis is rapidly evolving, and the immediate interventions to mitigate its long-term effects have become more necessary than ever before. Meanwhile, it could be interesting to know how big the role of regional Anaesthetics, as an example, is to change the outcomes for patients as well as the globe. Therefore, I believe it is time to look after our planet as we look after our patients, and I can say that the practice of anaesthetics could be changed for better, safer and more economic outcomes by raising awareness among health care staff. I got introduced to GASP since I joined the NHS, and I am really looking forward to getting involved to raise the awareness about net zero NHS, reduce carbon footprint and reduce waste.

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Eleanor Brunt

ACCS Core Trainee - Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust

I am joining GASP to attempt to help change “ being green” from being a novelty for when we have time or space or energy , to a concept that is ingrained in our every day at work and how we live our lives. Whilst many of us are lucky enough to have the freedom to live our lives mindfully outside of hospital, often this freedom is taken away at work. We need to start treating the climate crisis as a crisis- and act, even if we don’t have all the solutions. I hope,  through GASP,  we can start to take even the smallest first steps towards doing this.

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Rebecca Harrison

Medical Student at University of Bristol

In our first year at  medical school we were shown the well known table of the most trusted professions – listing nurses and doctors at the very top. Later on, after Greta Thunberg’s Climate march in Bristol, I began to think about our position of privilege and responsibility, not only with our patients health, but also in caring for our planet. As a medical student, I am keen to keep sustainable healthcare at the forefront of my training and practice from the very start. I am excited to see the positive changes made by GASP and other organisations throughout my career.


Chris Ward

Anaesthetic Registrar - South East London

It is so important to improve the environmental impact of the healthcare we deliver. This is very achievable without compromising on quality of care, and even small things can have a large impact over a prolonged period of time or when multiplied on a larger scale. As an anaesthetist, I see lots of ways that we can improve and have worked at multiple trusts to reduce the carbon footprint. GASP is a great platform to collaborate and spread the positive changes.

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Rose Mackonochie

Medical Student at Plymouth Medical school

Ever since I was little I have been passionate about the world we live in and exploring it. As the years have gone on, I have been more and more inspired to protect it. Throughout my studies I have noticed aspects of our healthcare system that makes me wonder about the impact it's having on our world. I am passionate about anaesthetics and everything GASP stands for and I am excited about meeting like-minded people from the organisation, learning lots more and hopefully inspiring others to join the team and be a part of the change!

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Andrew Iliov

Staff Anaesthetist and Supervisor of Training - Melbourne, Australia

A collaborative, evidence-based, innovative, and educational approach to the climate crisis is what is required from today’s healthcare and sustainability leaders. At the forefront of the effects of climate change, health practitioners have both a cause-and-effect role to play, with health systems responsible for large proportions of climate drivers, as well as being on the receiving end of the health effects of global warming and air pollution. As an anaesthetist in Australia, I have formal roles and a passion for driving change in health sectors to reduce our active carbon footprint. Being a global issue, a global approach to combating climate change is required, with community education, strong advocacy, and research key areas to focus on to drive change.

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Natasha Palipane

Education Lead

GP Trainee - London

Sustainability is everyone’s responsibility. It is not nature that we are trying to save, it is our ecology, without which we are nothing. I am  thrilled to join this collaborative effort in advocating and acting to mitigate this significant public health emergency. If you are interested in GASP coming to teach at your institution please email us at




Tom Plant

Paediatric and Obstetric Anaesthetic Practitioner - The Royal London Hospital

In our increasingly polluted and overpopulated planet I feel it’s imperative that we take action to try and improve the world we live in and the what we leave for future generations.
The amount of waste the NHS produces a year is staggering and with a few small changes and a better awareness I believe we can drastically improve how we use anaesthetic equipment and how we dispose of it.
I want to educate staff on simple ways we can cut unnecessary waste and improve the amount we recycle, and in the process, save money and save the planet.


Ana Mirallave

Consultant Clinical Neurophysiologist at Queen’s Hospital

I recently started living a vegan zero/low waste lifestyle which implies sending little to no trash to landfill. At the workplace, this can be quite hard to achieve as our electrodes usually come with tonnes of plastic packaging which is mostly not recyclable by today’s standards. I am closely working with our suppliers such as Unimed to give them alternatives to reduce waste such as using paper packaging instead of plastic which is both compostable and recyclable and packaging electrodes in groups rather than single units. What I have learned is that change starts in you and that talking to manufacturers usually brings good outcomes!


Lorna Gallagher

Consultant Anaesthetist - Moorfields Eye Hospital

We all have a responsibility to protect our environment. We, as clinicians, are in a privileged position to be able to influence change in our hospitals, and have a moral obligation to do so. My children know how to recycle at home and school, and feel passionately about it. There is no reason we cannot do the same at work, but we need to make it easy and meaningful for everyone so it becomes second nature to us all.


Alex Bevan - Events Lead

Anaesthetic Trainee - North East London

We all know it, there is no ‘Planet B’. It’s super cliche but it is a reality; climate change is the biggest public health risk of today’s society. I like to think we are all generally good people, and yet unfortunately we are all also culpable, on some level or another. When we go into Medicine we do so to care for people, we therefore have a responsibility to make sure we also care for our future generations, starting with the platform on which we all live - earth! We simply cannot afford to ignore it; let’s all make changes large and small from right now and actually make a difference.


Felix Chamberlain

Environment Manager at Network Rail

In order to become sustainable, we need to understand our impact on the limits of our planet. I studied in Climate Change Science and Policy at the University of Bristol to gain this understanding, wanting to spread the application of sustainability across various industries. I am honoured to be a part of such a forward thinking team as GASP. Having met Jonny through a friend, it was clear this is another area which needs immediate attention and it is evident through meeting the team there is the appetite to meet it. I aim to offer my expertise to support this enthusiastic team through their transformation into a more sustainable practice.


James Hockridge

Anaesthetic Trainee - North East London

Anaesthesia is arguably the most polluting medical specialty, yet despite good intentions many healthcare professionals are unaware of the impact of their practice. I’m thrilled to help GASP in their mission to make provision of healthcare greener and more sustainable.

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Neil Allen

Waste & Environment Manager - ‎Barts Health NHS Trust

Neil has been with GASP since we undertook our first project on PVC recycling in 2018. The amount we have learnt from Neil over the last two years has been vast. His work in sustainability has been well recognised with his department going on to win multiple awards including the HSJ award two years in a row. If you have any questions about waste managment, Neil is your man!


Maiti Raju

Paediatric Trainee- North East and Central London

As paediatricians, we whole-heartedly dedicate our professional lives to ensuring that children have the best possible start to life. It is equally our responsibility to safeguard the future that we are facilitating for them, ensuring that is sustainable and kind to the planet. I’m excited to be a part of GASP, look forward to learning from those who are equally passionate about climate awareness, and hope to play an active role in realizing this collective goal!

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Andrew Wilkinson

Locum Consultant Anaesthetist, Homerton University Hospital 

'The time for change is now, as anaesthetists we have to held accountable for our involvement in carbon emissions. The importance we correctly emphasise on patient safety should be equally applied to sustainability. 


I believe we can achieve this together. With GASP I look forward to talking about it, raising awareness and building a greener more sustainable NHS.' 

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Abbi Forsyth

SAS Anaesthetist - Chesterfield Royal Hospital

As a long-term lover of the great outdoors I have become all too aware of the impact of climate change over the past few years and the impact this is having on our natural environment. I am therefore keen to promote sustainable work practices and ensure we play our own individual parts in promoting and protecting our natural environment. As anaesthetists we are in a privileged position to be able to make a demonstratable difference by making small changes to our work practice, all we need now is to act as a collaborative voice in promoting this to the wider workforce, working with GASP should allow this to happen.


Tom Bottomley

Anaesthetic Trainee – North Central Thames

It’s clear that time is running out before we cause irreparable damage to our environment, and healthcare is a major contributor to the situation. However, small changes to our practice can have big impacts and there is still time to make changes to try to slow and reverse this damage. As trainees, we are in the unique position to rotate around different trusts and instigate change whilst inspiring others to do the same.  


Josie Robertson

Anaesthetic Trainee - South-East Scotland

Training in anaesthetics has driven home how far we are from a sustainable healthcare system
and highlighted the significant contribution of anaesthesia and surgery to the carbon footprint of the
NHS. With the increasing urgency of the climate crisis, it is more important than ever that people
come together to tackle these challenges and generate innovative, sustainable solutions to benefit
generations to come. GASP is a great network to spread recognition of the problems and develop
changes in practice, taking us closer to our net-zero goal.


Stina Engelhardt 

Nurse Anaesthetist, Odense University Hospital, Denmark 

Being a nurse anaesthetist working in the OR, I witness the huge amount of waste being produced every day - and hardly any of the waste is being recycled or even sorted. 

It’s about time that we take action and my hope is that I can contribute to spreading the knowledge of working in a more sustainable, environmental and green manner. 

I believe that small steps can make a huge impact!

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James Holmes

Anaesthetic Registrar - Mersey Region

As a firm believer of being the change you want to see, I relish the opportunity to be involved in the growing sustainable movement within anaesthesia and healthcare. Raising awareness of inefficient and harmful techniques and promoting more sustainable anaesthetic practices are my personal goal. I hope to enhance my sphere of influence with GASP and promote their excellent work in the Mersey region.

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Charlotte Berwick 

Anaesthetic trainee - Mersey

The climate emergency is a health emergency, and we have a duty to create a sustainable future for our patients and the planet.  Throughout my anaesthetic career I have been passionate about improving quality and working collaboratively to be more effective change agents.  We have no time to waste in reducing the impact of healthcare on the climate, and I am excited to work as part of GASP to achieve this. 


Siena Hayes

Medical Student - Cardiff University

Climate change has been defined by the World Health Organisation as the most substantial threat to human health in the 21st century. Further the NHS accounts for 25% of public sector carbon dioxide emissions in the UK, so an ideal target to focus on to reduce the effect global warming is having.

Being a medical student through the COVID pandemic, it’s been hard to see the increase in non-reusable items, and further the severe demand through the health service. I hope working with the GASP team will enable a change in the outlook of medical practice, to a more sustainable one. This relies on a collective drive from all healthcare professionals, across the UK.

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Ollie King

Anaesthetic Trainee - Salisbury

Working in the NHS I am very conscious and unnerved by the amount of waste healthcare produces. As a new anaesthetic trainee, I want to be conscious of my impact on the environment from the start and mould my career in such a way that I keep my impact to a minimum and inspire others to do the same.


Rhiannon Wong

Anaesthetic Registrar - Bart’s and the London School of Anaesthesia 

After returning to work from maternity leave I was struck by the huge environmental impact of daily anaesthetic practice, contrasting with all the efforts I’d been making to reduce our carbon footprint at home. I’m keen to learn from what other GASP members are doing to help develop and embed sustainable practice in the workplace. 


 Kyle Katsande

Clinical Fellow in Emergency Medicine - The Royal London Hospital

Currently a Clinical Fellow in Emergency Medicine at The Royal London Hospital. I have an interest in sustainability as a way preserve nature and the ecosystems we are a part of. Having come from the Global South and now working and living in the Global North, I realise how interconnected both are and how the effects of Global Warming affect differing regions in different ways and severity. I am a huge advocate for the reduction in carbon footprints in as many ways as we can, as this will have a positive net effect on the world.


Mindy Chin

SRNA - University of Southern California

Healthcare in the United States generates an incredible amount of waste and I hope to be a part of changing its course. Our planet is filled with beauty and I am passionate about protecting and preserving it for future generations. "Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world." I'm excited to be joining this organization from California! 

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Jason Lie

Consultant Anaesthetist - East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust

I am the Sustainability Lead for East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust.  Since my appointment, I have managed to make changes through the various Sustainability QI Projects.  Through them, we have managed to decommission piped nitrous oxide from our acute hospital, keep our desflurane usage to <5% & have more than 50 personnel wanting to be involved in the future.  I would love to share my experience with anyone who has the same passion to make our NHS greener!

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Alex VanOeveren 

Entrepreneur & Former Vendor for Surgical Supplies

Sustainability is more available in hospitals than we sometimes know. By simply looking at our traditional ways of doing things with fresh eyes, it is possible to create new, more sustainable practices that not just serve patients in the community but the community itself in its impact on the local environment. Coming from the Vendor side myself, I see a great need to improve the methods used to source supplies and see a great opportunity to bring lasting impact to the industry through this lens of focus. 


Shivani Pandya

Anaesthetic Registrar - Hertfordshire

I am passionate about driving change in the NHS to create a more sustainable healthcare system. 

The climate emergency is a health emergency as the two are inextricably linked. I believe the whole culture must change and sustainability should be in the forefront of our minds during our clinical practice. I am the publicity officer of @eco_medics and run my own personal Instagram account to promote environmental awareness​ within healthcare and at home. 

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Michael Horton

Foundation Doctor - North Manchester General Hospital

I first came across GASP Anaesthesia via twitter and the principles, values and work which the committee do strongly align with my views. If we do not take ownership and accountability for our actions in living and delivering healthcare in a sustainable way, how can we expect our colleagues to do the same? I am joining the GASP Anaesthesia committee to help set an example within my practice for sustainable healthcare and help in research with the aim of reaching the goal of a net zero healthcare service by 2040. 

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Georgia Mathieson

Junior Doctor- Homerton University Hospital

Within my first year working as a junior doctor, hospital roofs collapsed in East London due to torrential rainfall resulting in departmental closures and operation cancellations. In that same year, the UK experienced the hottest day on record, with the fire service tackling several blazes across London. Not only is the climate emergency shocking, but it represents the greatest threat to global health of the 21st century, adversely impacting patient care and exacerbating health inequalities. Junior doctors are in a unique position to educate and raise awareness, rotating around numerous NHS trusts, often across wide areas of the UK.


Max Rokoszak

Energy Manager - Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust

I am passionate about protecting the environment and most of my working life has been about that. I have now been working for the NHS since 2021 as Energy Manager with the end goal to make my hospital net-zero carbon by 2045. This is a huge challenge which covers many areas, one of them being the anaesthetic gases. Completely unaware of their environmental impact at first, it quickly became a favourite subject of mine. The more I discover about it, the more I want to engage on something that has a very powerful impact on carbon emissions and GASP seems like a very interesting network to be part of.

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